Petra The Rosary City


 The city of petra, capital of the Nabatean Arabs Kingdom, is one of the most famous archiological site in the world . It is about 262 km south of Amman, Petra is the most important historical and attractive site in Jordan, and it is visited by many tourists from all over the world.
مدونة الراعوش
Petra is a unique example of of an astronishing ancient civilisation. More than 2000 years ago,the Nabateans curved this city into the mountains and today it is one of the new seven wonders of the world.
Petra was rediscovered in 1812 by the Swedish explorer Johan Ludwig Burckhardt
during his expedition which was finded by the British Royal Geographcal Society in the Levant, Egypt and the Arabian Peninsula.
Petra was called the" Lost City". It was also described by the english poet Bergen as the unique eastren city.
The Nabatean Kingdom flourshid to reach the north west of the Arabian Peninsula,
where the city of Madian Saleh lies.It further extended its influence to the Red Sea shores of Sinai and the Horan Filieds in Syria to Damascus.
The Nabatean Kingdom ,along with its capital Petra,was surrounded by many anciants kingdoms and civilizations including Pharaohs to the west , Tadmor to the north, and Mesopotamia to the east.
The Nabatean were famous for there advanced irrigation systems and water harvesting and  mechanisms.

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